Unfortunatly he is a little washed out do to the lighting, He contrasts much better in person. As always please post a comment and tell me what you think. :)
The color scheme is excellent. I have to agree about the lighting/glare ruining your score. Also, the paint looks a little grainy, especially around the shoulders. Try thinning them a little more. Lastly, the base is okay but a bit on the boring side. Except for these few points the paint job looks really good.
6.5-- it looks like you got some good contrast going on in the metallics with the swords, which is always a difficult area to work on, so good job with that. The brown (gold?) triangles on the bottom of this guy's cloak looks awkward-- at first I thought it was supposed to be mud! -- but that's due to the harsh lighting, unfortunately. The armor overall looks pretty decent. Get a better picture up and your score will also go up.