VA Marine Dallas Cowboy
For anyone in the USA this is probably obvious, but for others here's a bit of an explanation. American football is played by teams with distinctive uniforms involving helmets and huge shoulder pads. It just seemed logical for a Space Marine. This team is from Dallas Texas: the Dallas Cowboys. This fellow is standing on the 10 yard line. When so close to the other side scoring, they bring out the heavy defenses. (note: a few years back I recall the average weight for a defensive lineman on the Dallas team was over 300 pounds.) I know I'm not the best painter, but I like to think I'm one of the most original. Oh, and I learned a lot about GW blue ink and I like it! p.s. The gun is painted orange with a brown ink wash to approximate the color of the ball (note the photo in the bottom left).
Posted: 25 Apr 2004