Warmaster High Elf Silverhelms
These are 3 bases of Silverhelms for Warmaster. Two standard and one command. This is actually the first of 3 Warmaster pieces I've done. The others are in my gallery. I painted them to sell so I used the High Elf Warhammer book as a guide. Frankly I find all the blue, white and silver boring and had much more fun on the chariots. I got a lot of experience painting really tiny gem as each individual has at least 4 gems and the guys with spears (10) have 3 or 4 on the spear! As with my chariots, the metal parts a gloss coated, the flesh & fabric are matt coated, and the horses are satin coated to simulate how people put "sheen" on show horses. Elves are pretty concerned with looking good after all. The horses are all dapple grey, like the reavers in the warhammer book. The shields and banner all have High Elf runes from the book. I always appreciate feedback and please check out my other warmaster stuff.
Posted: 24 Aug 2003