My 2nd Mini - Spellweaver
Sorry folks, I'd lost my 1st mini...'twas a Knight from a Ral Partha Starter painting kit; I'd recognize it, if I see it again. I'd like to thank Geoff, John, Gordon, & Greg for their teachings...ah, Anyway, this is an 11-521 Spellweaver that I had done in 1996. This was my 1st attempt to Dry-brushing, and I was brave enough to try Flourescents, yet I hadn't known about OSL. Hmm...yes, miniatures have evolved plenty in the last 10 years. I think I'll stick around more. I recently got Photoshop, and I'm still peeking around the CMoN Forums, so bear with me...thanks.
Posted: 25 Apr 2008