ELDAR Custom Beil Tan Wraithlord with changeable weapons
From Ebay "This is the third Wraithlord I have painted in the Beil-Tan colors and definitely the best one! This one has a special, AIRBRUSHED, head! I have been airbrushing a lot of tanks lately, and thought why not, the Wraithlord head is big enough! Well it was a little struggle, but the end result is stunning. Very, very smooth, light green to dark blue,subtle blends not achievable with brush & inks. The rest of the Body has been painted white and shaded with various grey washes. A final White highlight was blended back on top, and All joints were carefully blacklined. It was hard to take accurate pictures that still showed the shading & highlighting on the white. There are a couple of hand written Eldar Runes hidden thoughout the body(see back picture). Also, the Eldar Rune for "Heavy Support" is hand painted on its right nee! Using a method we perfected on an earlier order I drilled and pinned the all three weapons from the blister. This allows the mode to have interchangeable weapons. Choose which weapon you need for the battle at hand or, the points you have left. Each weapon has been highlighted, and lined grey, and all appropiate jewels\stones have been painted." The Winning Ebay bidder, yeiwsley-predator, said "Fast delivery - recommended international seller - AAA+++" Visit the closed auction for more pictures at http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?MfcISAPICommand=ViewItem&item=1776063120
Posted: 9 Dec 2002
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