Da Sneekin' Box (Ork COD Infiltration Stratagem)
Full-sized image can be found at: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v215/laucian_meliamne/Da%20Sneekin%20Box/_Da_Sneekin_Box.jpg This model was made for a Cities of Death Stratagem conversion competition at my local GW. As the title implies, this is an Ork Infiltration marker, though it could double as an Imperial Guard Observation Point (with a VERY observant Guardsman...) I won first place in the competition. The box is made from plasticard glued to a pink foam core. The tape is thin strips of masking tape glued to the box. WHFB Ork feet were painted and inserted into the box. The Guardsman is a hybrid of Cadian and Catachan parts Pretty basic really. Basing was also pretty simple: a GW large flying base (minus the stick), with sand and cut up bits of sprue/tree for the larger rubble.
Posted: 31 Aug 2006