Ramos, Steampunk Sorcerer
Another Mini for Wyrd Games, sculpted by the ever talented Edgar Ramos (ergman). You can see his green versionRamos I figured my last paint job was 4 paint pots...why not go one fewer? This was painted with just Black, Skull White, and Enchanted Blue. The sculpt also seemed to call for a strong OSL effect, and I wanted to play around more with the water reflection effect, so with all those 3 things in mind...this is what I came up with. The goal of the limited palate was to create a feeling of a very dark scene, so dark you pretty much can no longer diferentiate color, but then the only light source being a blue light, it becomes the only color you can see. The base for this one is all freehand painting. Anyway, I hope you enjoy this one, comments and critique are always welcomed. thanks! EricJ
Posted: 24 Jan 2006
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