im not good at modifying model parts so it's legs are that off a khorn berzerker just to get a frenzied running pose. the bent chainsword is intentional. note the broken bolt pistol and that awful wound to the head
That and theres a limit to have much he would be able to clot, a space marine is gonna bleed out if the wound is big enough.
Nice work, could do with a better pic though.
I'm liking this a lot. It is a shame about the picture, could of done with a bit more light but the pure state of this marine and the fact that he's still throwing himself forward despite his horrific injuries and battered equipment is a testament to everything the death company stands for. The large base is fitting i think, somehow increasing the odds of this marines final charge and i have to disagree with the whole 'clotting' thing. if a chunk gets blown off a space marine theres bound to be some spatter and other than the eye wound, whos to say the blood is all his ;) nice job!
For what it's worth, I think you did a prett decent job on this. My only suggestions to you would be to get a lightly better digital camera or something, and he doesn't need to be on a large base like that. Also, it might be worth noting, that once a Space Marine starts bleeding, the wound clots almost instantaneously, though I don't know how that could impact the model.