This is my first go at painting a Tau unit, as well as my first mini in about 3 years. I'm looking for suggestions and tips to improve my skill, and my buddy pointed me in your direction. Thanks in advance...
Thanks, Dauber. I'm not too thin-skinned, otherwise I wouldn't have posted here. I'm not looking to win any trophies, just curious as to what little touches I can do to make my stuff that tiny bit better. I'll head on over to the forums and take a look-see at what's going on...
Welcome to CMON. You might also want to investigate the "Articles" section and, if you are truly looking for advice to improve, try the forums; the "Submission" and "Painting & Conversion" ones in particular. There are tons of people there very willing to help and advise. They are sometimes blunt and brutally honest, but the advice is first rate and (99.9% of the time) given with all good intentions to help ou improve. Just dont' be too thin-skinned :-)