Zombie fans, opinions please!


New member
still alive, but reduced to a violently feral mental state by a disease

I liked 28 days later because of this, wasnt a bad take on the whole zombie idea for a daft little film, plus it was the first one id really seen where they could really shift so actually posed a threat in fewer numbers. I also liked the way they all starved to death after a couple of month too so the whole "waiting it out" idea was relevant! Then they went and ruined it all with the horrible sequel. A horrible sequel where(not certain so correct me if im wrong) they stated the disease couldnt spread between species so animals werent a risk, but im sure in the first film it originated from a lab monkey :/


New member
28 Days/Weeks Later, technically, not zombie flicks. But did they say it certainly could not or was it more of an unlikely event, where they didn't think it could spread between species? I own it, I should watch it and see. I didn't like the second as much, nowhere near as much, either, but I really liked the first.

Re: re-animating the dead. Some zombie flicks do address the issue. Some are being animated by voodoo magic or something similar, necromancers, what have you. Others have the virus/infection jump-starting the body after it dies. Where the human body being infected, dies off one way or the other, then the infection can take over and gets the brain functioning on that "other" level...


New member
Hehe, watched em both yesterday and the day before and I can't remember them saying anything about crossing between species. Could be because the 2nd one was so crap though!
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