Zombie Enthusiasts Uniite (A.K.A. Meet new gaming friends in your area)


New member
I thought it would be a great time to meet some new zombie enthusiasts in your area since we all rallied around Zombicide. Let's be honest, it is much harder to spot a zombie gamer enthusiast than someone who really likes their favorite sports team. It doesn't help that just because someone is wearing a zombie t-shirt means doesn't mean they also game.

So, I am in Menasha, Wisconsin (USA for those out of country folks) but originally from Eastern Iowa.

I would love to find any gamers in the area for a zombei board or RPG game.


New member
It doesn't help that just because someone is wearing a zombie t-shirt means doesn't mean they also game.

People wearing a red t-shirt with the Zombiecide logo printed on it are most certainly gamers ;).

Anyway, nice initiative. I myself live in southern Sweden. I do, however, think that we are only a handful of online lurkers from these parts.


New member
Frankfurt Germany here. ;-) Would also like to finde people to play this game with.

Anybody else from Region around Frankfurt here.


New member
I think it's pretty awesome that of the 4 posts...we're in 4 different countries.
If more people don't start posting, we'll have to have some epic road trips to play with each other.


New member
Well, I live around Chicago, so the trip wouldn't involve all of the country hopping as with these other folks. Though, the crossing between Wisconsin and Illinois has been known to be a dangerous one.


New member
I live in West Lafayette Indiana. The FLGS hosts a game night every Tuesday. I'm also looking forward to meeting people at Gen Con. Maybe CMON could host a Kickstarter get together at there.


New member
Well, I live around Chicago, so the trip wouldn't involve all of the country hopping as with these other folks. Though, the crossing between Wisconsin and Illinois has been known to be a dangerous one.
I've been know to make that perilous journey from time to time.


New member
Sydney, Australia

Planning on solo games tlll my kids are a couple of years older (and less prone to night mares :tremble!:)

Archon Shiva

New member
Montreal, Canada

It's funny how people in some areas will list something else instead of a country, but could go either smaller (Indiana) or larger (U.K.)


New member
I live in Oshkosh...about 15 minutes from you, but we already figured that out... What part of Iowa are you from? My mother was born and raised in Iowa and I get there quite often for work.


New member
It's funny how people in some areas will list something else instead of a country, but could go either smaller (Indiana) or larger (U.K.)

LOL! the UK maybe 'larger' than a single country (being composed of four), but it's smaller than most (if not all?) American states (and Canadian provinces)!
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