Zobiecide: Necropolis

Black Leviathan

New member
So the week before last we ran a really large game of Zombiecide. The layout was 30 tiles large with Prison, Mall, and Hospital. We ran 8 hour games for two days in a row at a regional gaming convention. For the most part we used the rules as they appear in the book but for a scenario we created mission cards with scenarios that were turned over before each Zombie phase. About half of the cards were "Nothing happens" a good number of them were zombie surges with 14 walkers of various color and the rest were mission cards such as rescuing survivors that would join your team or scavenging supplies for the survivor camp outside of the city. We also had a rule in effect where you need to sacrifice a Gasoline card to start a vehicle. Once you're running as long a survivor is in the driver's seat it keeps running, if they exit or change seats you have to put more gas in the car. It kept things fairly manageable. We also delt out a number of cards to vehicles and specific locations, vehicles could only be searched if there were still cards on them and rooms with cards would draw that card first in a search. It helped motivate survivors to not turtle down when someone searches a car and finds an Ultra-Red weapon early in the game.

Overall things went smoothly. Players came and went through the day but we had about 6 players most of both days and bounced between 6 and 13 survivors in play. At the peak we had 157 Zombies on the Board. Our biggest turn for kills was a Red-Level Travis with Ned's Atomic Flashlight wiping out 18 Zombies of various manufacture. We had originally intended to break the board up into two 15-tile zones but we didn't get more numbered spawn zone's made so we had to change plans at set-up. I think this worked out better. The zones would have left zombies idle if survivors weren't in the zone, which would have put even more zombies on the table. As it was over 16 hours of play we hit 15 surges from not being able to place zombies of a given type including a surge of 7 Zombie Dogs *Shudder*

I don't think we'll do this again, the board was huge, we barely had any space to set up dashboards and draw-piles. It was difficult to keep tiles aligned and tokens in place as people kept nudging the game board. We had so many zombies on the table we ended up missing some of their turns and we probably double-moved a few of them because we had so much chaos. If we do this format again I think we're going not use "Nothing Happens" mission cards and just have a limit of 3 missions active at any given time. It cuts down on the number of tokens we have in play and makes it easier for the players to focus on specific objectives.

Do you guys have any ideas for another Necropolis Game? Any questions?
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