Working on a new mini-con in Wisconsin


New member
Yes, I went the ego route.


At this time I don\'t have a date for the thing since I want to make sure it doesn\'t conflict with other conventions in the Chicago, IL - Milwaukee, WI - Madison, WI area.

I\'m looking at it as a gaming convention - mini painting, gaming, etc.

So if anyone has suggestions, comments, dire warnings, etc. please feel free to post them or send them through the site.

Oh, and interest level would be appreciated too!


New member
Paintminion has signed on as the Paint Event Manager! And there\'s an Event Manager in the wings, once we work out a few details.

RastlCon has Staff!


New member
Hey, I had to start my own convention to get one going here.

TENTATIVE date is Saturday, November 15.


If you\'re looking for specific info or want to help out please using the link on the convention website. There\'s something like logic programmed into it so the requests go to the right place.
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