Will CMoN be at PAX East this year, and if so, will WoK be demoed? I missed my chance to play at Templecon and I'd like to play a few games and maybe pick up a few new models/armies too.
I have heard that they will have a demo table and starters for sale.
from here: Raymond Rappaport's response to my question)
" We will have the starters there but that is about it. Unless i can get a commitment from at least 6 people that they are interested in a build and play event. Cost would be the cost of a starter. you get together build intro forces then play a short tournament. So let me know"
Cool. I wonder if they'll be doing any bundle deals. I didn't buy anything at Templecon because I knew I had minis coming in the mail. But now that I've played a game with the rulebook on my tablet, I'd definitely like to pick up a physical copy. And/or maybe a Gortsi starter. Will anyone else be there for some pick up games?
I hope they do some kind of con special.
I am relying on a friend to pick it up but I might find a way to go myself.I don't have enough models yet for a game.
the Battle Standard in Auburn and Temple games seem to have groups of WoK gamers already which is promising.