Wire armatures and sculpting

Does anybody know of any clean, straightforward, and mechanical diagrams for creating the proportion of armatures for miniatures? Or, how about any personally developed methods? I\'ve been looking in anatomy books, but they lack any definite measurements and ratios. I don\'t want to go through the trouble of making armatures that I have to \"eyeball\" them to get them right. I am look for something more precise.
Or, I don\'t mind cheating. Does anyone know where to get effective, premade armatures for 28mm (other than Reaper)?


I had checked out Morgan Keith a bit and that was my best bet for creating a reliable scale, but I wanted to see if there were some other resources out there.

Also, I\'ve seen the Ebob armatures on the net before, but are they really good? They look a bit small, and do the thickness of the joints cause a problem? That\'s the problem I\'ve encountered with reaper, all my guys have fat elbows and knees! Also, how posable are they? They don\'t just snap as you bend the joints?

Thanks again.
I started off using reapers armatures and yes i would agree that they are too thick in places. You could try shaving a little off the wrists, elbows...places like that. I haven\'t tried ebob. I think the reason why is because they already have faces and i wanted to try sculpting my own. Give them a try, they might be the ones for you ;) all the best


New member
Just posted this on another thread. If you print out the guide at 72dpi, landscape orientation, and with margins turned off, it will print at the correct size.

You could double check your armature by holding it up to the correct scaled figure.

General guidelines are the tops of the knees being 1/4 of the way up, crotch being the midpoint of the figure, nipple height (for a male) 3/4 of the way up. Total height is generally about 7 1/2 tall, shoulders about 3 heads wide. Arms down at sides, elbow will come down to the navel and fingers extended will reach mid thigh. Most mini proportions are awful, usually closer to 5 1/2 heads tall and most of the length is taken from the legs. Hope that helps.

What nice scales you have.

That\'s pretty wicked. Thanks for the tips all. When it comes down to it I guess there\'s no substitute for just doing it.


Super Moderator
The Ebob set does look inviting, especially to new sculptors...

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