WIP Dead Moon tribe


New member

Just started painting some months ago, need feedback to improve my painting so please leave a message. Could use some idea\'s for my army too :)
Every comment is welcome, bad or good !




New member
Yep he\'s pretty much \'armless with no hand to pull his bowstring!

Ok bad joke I know.

Great painting BTW!


New member
yeah, it looks really good since you hve only been painting a few months! great work :)

// Larre


New member
Hell you´re saying you have been painting for just two month - this looks awesome, very good details on the characters and very solid standard on the rank and file. There is actually very little I can give you as advice, as it all looks very good already. Maybe you could use slightly different skin tones on the orks then on the goblins, they may stand out more, and the fluff usually sais orks are darker.
It is only personal preference, but I loathe the bright green base edge, I´d rather do it brown, I can´t explain it but I have very negative association with this color. but that´s just me, great work - i´ll be following it closely.



New member
Originally posted by Micha
Hell you´re saying you have been painting for just two month - this looks awesome, very good details on the characters and very solid standard on the rank and file. There is actually very little I can give you as advice, as it all looks very good already. Maybe you could use slightly different skin tones on the orks then on the goblins, they may stand out more, and the fluff usually sais orks are darker.
It is only personal preference, but I loathe the bright green base edge, I´d rather do it brown, I can´t explain it but I have very negative association with this color. but that´s just me, great work - i´ll be following it closely.


There\'s actually different skin tones on the orcs and goblins, the camera doesnt show it :| The orcs is dark angel green to goblin green with rottingflesh mix highlights, and the gobboes go from snot green to scorpion green. I think brown bases look rather \"dirty\", it doesnt set the mood of the figurine Im looking for.
Anyway, thanks for the advice, I really need them !
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