White, or Black Primer?


New member
Hey. I always work with black primer, but I see how people have produced great works on white primer, which I have never really tried.

Just to find out, which do you use? This way I can compare your styles to the primers you use...


New member
Depends on what kind of style I\'m going to paint. I usually prime white for dipping mini\'s, or mini\'s that have light overall color. I only prime black when I want a dark, shadowy figure with lots of distinct contrasts


New member
to be honest the primer you use depends largely on what the overall colour composition of the model will be like.
For example, if you were planning to do an elf where a predominant amount of the colours will be very light,,,its logical to use a white primer. Or if u were doing an imperial fist space marine (all yellow), this would be no easy task to do over black.
Also, something ive found, is that colours show up much better over white although it does recquire more work to paint over white than black, as when you work over black, if you miss out a recess whilst painting, it is black and usually not seen whilst if this is done over white, it becomes very obvious that you have missed an area.
When you first change from black to white primer, youll notice what a big difference it is, so i suppose, the best thing to do is just test out a model over white and see how it goes :bouncy:


New member
As with Krom I am pretty stuck in my ways with Black although a lately I\'ve been playing around a bit..using a light spray of white from the direction I\'m going to paint my light source and this is giving me some pleasing results and a good guideline to follow as I paint.


New member
i currently use black with zenithal white priming. may use grey with white now. unless it\'s terrain or machinery when i always use black.

War Griffon

New member
I always use white primer, if I use black and there is a lot of detail on the mini then I tend to miss a lot.

However, if there is a lot of fur on the mini then I might use a black primer but 9 times out of 10 I have a preference for white.


New member
I use white 90% of the time.

White is sort of \'old school\' mini painting.
Grey is \'really old school\' miniature painting as it was the primer of choice prior to the 25mm craze and in many ways still is the first choice of larger scale military modellers/painters.
Black is more modern, while it\'s been around a long while it seems to have only become popular recently.

Pet peeve of mine is using black primer and leaving some of it show for blacklining/deep shadows. As paint is not primer the reverse is also true, primer is not paint (well, loosly this isn\'t true but the formulas are quite different). The odd times I do use black I always paint over it, even if I\'m painting with black (like the LotR Nine I\'m working on now, primed black, painted black).

Does anyone know when/how/who popularized black primer? I\'d been away from painting for a number of years, when I came back recentlly I started seeing all this black primer. First company I noticed professing it was GW.

I\'m somewhat interested in trying grey, there are some really nice grey primers out there (or so I\'ve read in my modelling magazines).

It\'s moderatly interesting (at least to me) to note that way back when I started painting white primer was the progressive choice and that\'s what I went with, now black is the newer trend and I\'m resistant to it. I guess resistance to change comes with age.

War Griffon

New member
I don\'t think it is a case of being resistent to black primer but more a case of personal choice, each to their own and that sort of thing :D

I have seen a lot of people turn around and say \"that is pants because you used white primer\". Yet their own painting is pants and that is whether they use primer or not :D

I think the whole black primer thing came about with GW and was picked up by the fan boys and carried through with them if they didn\'t stop painting when they discovered girls and :beer:

Years ago I used to use a brush on grey primer that was brilliant but now unobtainable I might go back to grey at some point but I am more than happy with white for these old eyes thankyou :D

Javi Metal

New member
I started with white... moved to black primer so my paintjobs \"looked better with less effort\" Then I quitted the hobby and now I\'m painting again I wanted to go for the old school and brighter white primer. I love to do things the hardest way.

Sadly I bought Citadel white primer before realising I could have purchased tamiya grey or vallejo\'s so I\'m egar to try but don\'t paint that much to buy another primer right now. Spray primer of course.
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