Oh showing up on New and Notable doesn't even guarantee a lot of votes. My last entry was on there for quite awhile. I am still sitting at 46 votes. I think I gained 4-6 votes by being on the front page of CMoN. Yay for me.
Perhaps if you want to post a submission, you need to vote at least 100 times. That's not asking much. Plus it will keep the trash off of CMoN's gallery(mini by mini pictures of your entire space marine army, painted with basecoat only, on a kitchen table with a fuzzy background). Yes, I mean trash. Nobody wants to see that garbage, and it interferes with people that actually put time and effort into their work. Hmmm...no wonder votes have gone down. "Where are everyone?" is right!!!
By the way....hehehe...you can vote on my 46 vote count, previously featured on CMoN's New and Notable miniature, here: