When it absolutely, positively has to light up!


New member
So recently, thanks to a tutorial on the W.I.P. forums, I have been taught a way of lighting up the tiniest of miniatures. Due to my dire need to take modelling to ridiculous excesses, I thought it warranted further investigation.

No! It doesn\'t involve the use of arcane fiber optics piped from a model\'s base, which was my original guess. (And a pain in the rear, to boot!)

Rather, I have been introduced to a marvelous little piece of technology known as the SMT LED.

What is an SMT LED? It\'s the most ridiculously tiny Surface Mounted Light Emitting Diode you\'ve ever seen. About 1/5 the size of a normal 5mm LED, all told.

Now, I solder like a monkey, but apparently even I have the motor skills to bang this together.

From this little fella...


You get loads of light!


Don\'t believe me?


The applications for this sort of thing are limitless - just imagine an orky battlewagon all lit up, or the driver\'s compartment illuminated my different colored gauges! Even lit Kustom Force Field Generators! (Which I am currently planning. ;) )

And they fit in the tiniest of places...


This particular picture is a necron lord I\'m working on who has had his head and eyes (and chest!) hollowed out. I put water effects in the sockets with a little needle so that it would dry and form a lens over the eye and diffuse the light from behind it:


And you can do it in a variety of colors! I was in a sudden mood to start lighting some of my Daemonhunter dreadnoughts, and after about 15 minutes with a dremel and soldering iron I was able to put this together:





Dremelling a forgeworld item is not for the faint of heart, but you could do this to any dreadnought, any power klaw, anything large enough to fit these super-tiny lights!

I\'m working up the nerve to light an ork\'s bionik bonce at the moment. I might do it to Ghazzie\'s head for the sake of it.

This wire is the wire I recommend using with these things. It\'s super-tiny and can fit wherever the LED can, and it\'s pretty cheap. Don\'t expect retail radio shack outlets to carry this - I had to order my batch online. I also grab most of my SMT LEDs off ebay - they can get a bit pricy (I got 50 of the blue ones for around $15) but they\'re worth it!


New member

I pin the hell out of everything, so nothing you see in any of these pictures is actually attached. I simply pushed the LED into the cavities I hollowed out and pinned the heads back on. I don\'t expect any trouble with the undercoating; as I mentioned in the first post, I used water effects to make a sort of \'lens\' over the holes where the eyes come out, which helps keep any paint from ever reaching the LED, and I\'m going to use little bits of blue tack (an equivalent, basically) to mask off the eyes for spray priming.


The power source resides in the base, and using watch batteries, you can easily fit both it and a switch in there...


I\'ll take this over struggling to paint OSL any day. ;)


New member
Ok does anyone know where i can get the wire in the UK??

And where do you get those tiny nifty switches from?

Many thanks,

Iain Hale


New member
@bignastyshark try http://www.screwfix.com/app/sfd/cat/home-main.jsp they should be able to sort you out


New member
To find the wire that I\'ve been using, search for kynar 30 or 30awg. That\'s actually how I\'ve found the Radio Shack stuff.
So there is actually a wire inside it\'s leg, chest and head!?

did you use bacteria to do this,it\'s so incredibley small it must have been a hell of a job!


New member
Yes, there are wires in there on the immortal I posted above.

I\'m working on doing the same thing on that lord I pictured. It\'s fragile work, granted, but I have the shakiest hands and I can still pull it off. ;)


New member
Just about any smal gauge wire will do really, your not talking about running any kind of current, so actual gauge shouldnt be a problem, its just a case of what will fit.


New member
Amazing! This rocks!

Perhaps the blue led needs to be a little less bright though, have you tried it with a resister? Please post photos of painted models in dimly lit terrain with their lights on!


New member
UK - Can\'t find \'em in Maplins, but:
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