I mix up large batches with water, store it in vallejo like dropper bottles. Large meaning a tonne more than I could use in a single painting session, 10-15 ml. I\'ve got a retarder/water bottle, flow improver (future floor finish)/water bottle and a bottle with both that I use %90 of the time. Makes it real easy, just a drop or 2 on the paint pallette as I mix it up.
I mixed up the bottles with a little more than the recomended ratios, I think I did the retarder with 1 part retarder, 3 parts water (instead of 1:4 or 1:5). I can\'t remember why I do this anymore other than it works and it\'s a habit, I also thin my paints way to much, so usually add more pure water after the stuff above. Oh I remember, because the water + the paint gives the right ratio to retarder that way. I keep water in a dropper bottle too...gotta love dropper bottles!