New member
heres mine...
Captain Dracula (bonedevils captain) CHILDREN OF THE NIGHT! like a bat flying over the battlefield thirsty for blood// ready to strike whenever, wherever! =Element wind.
Patchwork Porter (bonedevils quartermaster) SUPPORT MACHIIIIENE! healingz, coins, DICE!!! fertile like the earth!
Killer Kaya (mercenaries gunner) LONGSHOT HARPOON! that raaaange...// save from a distance.. defensive but very offensive ate the same time! ppl say she is hot like FIRE!
the Slasher (mercenaries swashbuckler) MULTI-TALENTED! shapeless like water switching into a different form, imitating the opponents strongest attack!
Leopold (mercenaries BRUTE!!!) just read his card... pure hard-body rock solidness! representive as the tree of life! Wood//Metal
whats your favorite/ strongest team?)
lets build...
Captain Dracula (bonedevils captain) CHILDREN OF THE NIGHT! like a bat flying over the battlefield thirsty for blood// ready to strike whenever, wherever! =Element wind.
Patchwork Porter (bonedevils quartermaster) SUPPORT MACHIIIIENE! healingz, coins, DICE!!! fertile like the earth!
Killer Kaya (mercenaries gunner) LONGSHOT HARPOON! that raaaange...// save from a distance.. defensive but very offensive ate the same time! ppl say she is hot like FIRE!
the Slasher (mercenaries swashbuckler) MULTI-TALENTED! shapeless like water switching into a different form, imitating the opponents strongest attack!
Leopold (mercenaries BRUTE!!!) just read his card... pure hard-body rock solidness! representive as the tree of life! Wood//Metal
whats your favorite/ strongest team?)
lets build...