what average tools can you use for sculpting?


New member
what average tools can you use for sculpting? i mean like house hold tools. i have only been using my fingers, pins, and paper clips and its been too tough and messy. is there any other usefull tips or tools or the trade out there? i am making bestigors and brayshamen from jsut gors so will need some tools and tips befor i get to work. thanks


New member
I\'m a total novice to sculpting, myself, but
I get by with what little I do just using needles, toothpicks, an x-acto knife, and my files.

There\'s some great articles in the article section that show lots of tool options you can use.

You might also try a search for \'sculpting tools\', and see what other suggestions have been made.

If you\'re having problems with \'messy\' work, then you might just need to let your green stuff cure for longer before you start shaping it?

Maybe one of our more experienced sculptors can offer better suggestions.


New member
This May Help:


If you have a look through the other posts on CMON you will find a few more suggestions. Good Luck.:)

Shawn R. L.

New member
The tools you mentioned are good ones. What I have found is, with much art, you will have a small basic set of tools. The real \'trick\' comes from learning and becomming comfortable with them and that simply takes time and effort.

Post some WIP\'s. Exposing yourself to trusted critisism is one of the most valuable tools there is. Good luck.
As Ive told other new to sculpting people.. theres a ton of so called sculpting tools out their for sale..most are wax tools used in the jewlery industry or dental tools. But the best tools are useually the ones you make or modify from an existing tool. My best advice is when you see something.. dont think its a \"XXXX\" but think how it might be a \"YYYYY\" An example Ive seen extremely talented sculptors use cuticle tools to sculp with and get amazeing results.


some simple custom made sculpting tools can be made thus:

1; wooden toothpick - sand to required shape (rounded, pointed, flattened, whatever) - dip in superglue - sand smooth again, redip in superglue. voila! non-stick custom super cheap sculpting tools (as used by Bill Horan, historical miniaturist extraordinaire)


New member
This thread on planetFigure might be some inspiration, you\'ll see most of my wooden tools made as per Orb\'s comment above:


You can make some of your own sculpting tools from old brush handles, wooden dowel, cocktail sticks/toothpicks, needles, plastic cocktail stirrers, brass or bronze rod, coathanger wire, nails, hypodermic needles, hardened putty... you\'re only limited by your imagination and drive. Sometimes there\'s nothing better than making a tool specifically for a certain job and having it work just right :)

Just wanted to mention also, all of the commercial sculpting tools in my photos were improved so if you see one going cheap somewhere and it\'s a little crude don\'t necessarily be put off. My two workhorses, the steel wax-carvers at extreme left of the last photo, weren\'t great when I bought them - with flats where they should have had edges. I ground in edges, smoothed them with abrasive films and then polished them. The cream plastic tools were very basic too, with a pronounced casting seam that had to be scraped off and I then smoothed them with fine abrasives or steel wool before polishing them on a scrap of denim.



New member
I used some sprue before I bought the no5 sculpting tool. One end I flattened and rounded and the other I sharpened into a knife shape. Served me well for many years.


Here\'s the thread where Bill Horan describes and illustrates his sculpting tools - the rest of the thread is well worth a read too:

Planet figure thread

And as Einion says too. Always wise words


New member

thanks for all the comments, they helped alot. i have been buy bestmen and find alotof the od modles are bad so i am making basicly everything from the new plastic gors so have alot of sculpting work. i will post pics when i finish something.
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