Wha is textured paint ?


New member
You can buy it from DIY stores or make it yourself. Its basically paint with lumps in it. I make it myself for terrain by putting sand, white glue and craft paint mixed with a bit of water.

Sand Rat

New member
You can usually make it - mix sand into the paint. Course, unless you want a lot of it, I would do it in a pallette or a bottle cap so you can dispose of it when finished.


New member
depends what you are using the paint for. for terrain, i reckon your best option is textured masonry paint. you paint it on so it is a little slower than spray but it is tough as hell and won\'t melt any polystyrene. the spray stuff also tends to clog up in my experience but thats probably me. its great for terrain as you can texture, undercoat and protect in one go. if you cover all styrene bits with it, you can spray it normally too
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