well there goes the economy...?


New member
so politics is probably the last thing that should be on a board like this, but is there any other canadians out there that are worried about this conservative minority government?

No Such Agency

New member
I dislike Harper and the Conservatives, but it\'s a minority government, so I doubt we\'ll be selling all our trees to the US and arresting the gays any time soon. A Liberal/NDP alliance can defeat any Conservative legislation if they get too naughty...


New member
I\'m disappointed it\'s not a Conservative Majority. Minority government can\'t do much, and apparently the Liberals still have a large portion of the country fooled with their crap :) I guess they have to literally reach their hands into our wallets and take our money directly before people figure it out.

Evil Dave

New member
Ha Ha Ha, Now where will the Liberals threaten to run to when they loose an election? Mexico?
Go to Canada now Alec Baldwin, you putz.
I bet Micheal Moore is crying.lollollol


New member
My in-laws are happy Martin is out. Since Canadian politics is still relatively new to me, I have mixed emotions. Mainly because I am trying to finish up some immigration stuff for my PR.


New member
I have no real opinion.
Every party that\'s held power here for as long as I can remember has done something stupid, and let\'s face it...

We had one guy actually keep his campaign promises, and most of the country got mad at him for doing so.

To quote my wife (who\'s british, remember):

\"Canadians aren\'t happy unless they\'re complaining about something.\"


I don\'t know much about Canadian politics, but in general, anyone who lives in a free Western democratic country has Nothing to worry about. Every 4 or 5 years you get to vote again...


New member

I hate the conservatives...their psuedo church like views make me want to burn all of them, including the churches, any of their activists, etc.

Get with the times...this isn\'t the 1500s or the USA....

atleast it\'s a minority...I see another election in a year\'s time...


No Such Agency

New member
Originally posted by orctrader
I don\'t know much about Canadian politics, but in general, anyone who lives in a free Western democratic country has Nothing to worry about. Every 4 or 5 years you get to vote again...
Well, as the title says, there IS the worry that four years of deficit spending COULD leave us (more) badly in the hole. The Liberals, for all their faults, were not bad about that.

Sanjay, like I said I wouldn\'t worry that their \"church like views\" will be imposed on the rest of us any time soon. But the Liberals should have passed the gay marriage law while they had the chance... I guess they still can but they\'ll need two other parties\' support.


New member
Originally posted by No Such Agency
Well, as the title says, there IS the worry that four years of deficit spending COULD leave us (more) badly in the hole. The Liberals, for all their faults, were not bad about that.
Funny, in the USA we have a saying (exposition: Dems=more liberal, Rep=more conservative)
\"Trust a Democrat to get you into a war and a Republican to get you into debt.\"

of course, our current president has done both....


New member
Yeah. Bush is an over achiever. lol

Originally posted by vincegamer
Originally posted by No Such Agency
Well, as the title says, there IS the worry that four years of deficit spending COULD leave us (more) badly in the hole. The Liberals, for all their faults, were not bad about that.
Funny, in the USA we have a saying (exposition: Dems=more liberal, Rep=more conservative)
\"Trust a Democrat to get you into a war and a Republican to get you into debt.\"

of course, our current president has done both....


New member
Originally posted by StarFyre

atleast it\'s a minority...I see another election in a year\'s time...


Totally. Maybe we\'ll get lucky and eastern Canada will look past Liberal fear-mongering and give the Conservatives a majority so they can straighten out the mess the Liberals have made.

I don\'t care much for their \"church like views\" (lol?) but I vastly prefer their approach to crime, taxes and cutting back on grossly wasteful government spending.
of course, our current president has done both....

Well Clinton Policy helped build the events that led to Bushies little war.. Bush just took it and ran with it.

I have to admit..as a republican for most of my life, I can\'t wait for the next election..cause I really curious to see what each party can put on the table to get us out of this mess.

Shawn R. L.

New member
make me want to burn all of them, including the churches, any of their activists, etc.

I thought liberals were the party of tolerance, diversity, love, acceptance...............Not feelin the love there Sparky.

like I said I wouldn\'t worry that their \"church like views\" will be imposed on the rest of us any time soon.

It\'s the nature of government to impose a form or structure upon a group of people. To react as though it\'s an anomoly to have conservatives in government, doing conservative things, as though that were some how unusual is simply crying foul when you arent getting your way. It\'s just a matter of who\'s in charge and do you like the form that is being lived out.


New member
Originally posted by Dragon Forge Design
..cause I really curious to see what each party can put on the table to get us out of this mess.

That\'s what I found so disappointing about our last election. If Bush and Kerry were the best this country could come up with :eek: we\'re in serious trouble. Not that I expect anything better from the next election. That\'s why I haven\'t voted for a major party candidate in many years. It only encourages them. :D


New member
Here\'s the Harper/Conservative platform. Can\'t say I have a problem with ANY of it:


- Cut GST to five per cent from seven per cent over five years.

- Eliminate capital-gains tax on money reinvested within six months.

- Double, to $2,000, non-taxable pension income.

- Raise small-business tax threshold to $400,000.

- Up to $500 tax break to parents for child\'s sports fees.

- Tax incentives for builders to create affordable housing.


- Voluntary farmer participation, Canadian Wheat Board.

- New farm income stabilization program; add $500 million a year to farm support programs.

- $2 billion in new funding for municipalities while maintaining the \"new deal\" for cities.

- A five-year fund for highways and border infrastructure worth $600 million in its final year.


- Wait-times guarantee.

- No private, parallel system.

- National cancer strategy.

- Speed up accreditation of foreign doctors.


- $1,200 annual child-care allowance.

- Free Commons vote on same-sex marriage.

- National seniors council to advise government.

- Halve $975 immigrant landing fee, further reduce it to $100 within mandate.

- Full judicial inquiry into Air India bombing.

- Raise the age of sexual consent to 16.


- The first piece of legislation would be a new federal accountability act designed to end the influence of big money in Ottawa and crackdown on lobbying.

Law and Order

- Independent prosecutor, federal crimes.

- Shut down the federal gun registry.

- Allow 14-year-olds to be tried in adult court for serious crimes or repeat offences.

- End conditional sentences (house arrest) for serious crimes.

- Hire 1,000 new RCMP officers.


- Bring in clean air act.

- Require average five per cent renewable fuel content by 2010.

- Abandon Kyoto greenhouse-gas targets and set new made-in-Canada standards.


- $1.8 billion more for defence by 2010.

- A new 650-member airborne battalion; recruit 500 more Canadian Rangers.

- Double the size of the DART.

- Buy at least three heavy-lift planes, three new armed naval heavy icebreakers.

- Set up new separate foreign spy agency.


- Up to $500 tax deduction for trades tools.

- $1,000 trades apprenticeship incentive grant.

- Apprenticeship job creation tax credit up to $2,000.

- Up to $500 tax deduction for textbooks.

- Tax exemption on first $10,000 scholarship, bursary income.


New member
As someone from a place south of Canada (ie the United States) I am not particularly worried about the conserative minority. After all I\'ve been told that there are intelligent people up there, as opposed to Washington DC. ;)

Plus he is still a minority goverment, which means compromise. In the US we often talk about the joys of mixed government because it encourages compromise and because sometimes goverment works best when it can\'t work at all. :D

Anyway it all sounds like a good platform. A shame he\'s talking Canadian dollars there. :p
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