Here\'s the Harper/Conservative platform. Can\'t say I have a problem with ANY of it:
- Cut GST to five per cent from seven per cent over five years.
- Eliminate capital-gains tax on money reinvested within six months.
- Double, to $2,000, non-taxable pension income.
- Raise small-business tax threshold to $400,000.
- Up to $500 tax break to parents for child\'s sports fees.
- Tax incentives for builders to create affordable housing.
- Voluntary farmer participation, Canadian Wheat Board.
- New farm income stabilization program; add $500 million a year to farm support programs.
- $2 billion in new funding for municipalities while maintaining the \"new deal\" for cities.
- A five-year fund for highways and border infrastructure worth $600 million in its final year.
- Wait-times guarantee.
- No private, parallel system.
- National cancer strategy.
- Speed up accreditation of foreign doctors.
- $1,200 annual child-care allowance.
- Free Commons vote on same-sex marriage.
- National seniors council to advise government.
- Halve $975 immigrant landing fee, further reduce it to $100 within mandate.
- Full judicial inquiry into Air India bombing.
- Raise the age of sexual consent to 16.
- The first piece of legislation would be a new federal accountability act designed to end the influence of big money in Ottawa and crackdown on lobbying.
Law and Order
- Independent prosecutor, federal crimes.
- Shut down the federal gun registry.
- Allow 14-year-olds to be tried in adult court for serious crimes or repeat offences.
- End conditional sentences (house arrest) for serious crimes.
- Hire 1,000 new RCMP officers.
- Bring in clean air act.
- Require average five per cent renewable fuel content by 2010.
- Abandon Kyoto greenhouse-gas targets and set new made-in-Canada standards.
- $1.8 billion more for defence by 2010.
- A new 650-member airborne battalion; recruit 500 more Canadian Rangers.
- Double the size of the DART.
- Buy at least three heavy-lift planes, three new armed naval heavy icebreakers.
- Set up new separate foreign spy agency.
- Up to $500 tax deduction for trades tools.
- $1,000 trades apprenticeship incentive grant.
- Apprenticeship job creation tax credit up to $2,000.
- Up to $500 tax deduction for textbooks.
- Tax exemption on first $10,000 scholarship, bursary income.