Lady Maethoretho
New member
<p><span style="font-family: Helvetica, Arial, Verdana, sans-serif; font-size: 13px;">Hi guys, I'm Lady Maethoretho (Enni) and I've just found your website. I started painting about 7 years ago with Neil Green (the 'Eavy Metal guy) but I stopped to study photograpy. I got back into the hobby through Games Workshop but soon discovered other models too. I'm trying to set up a commission painting business so any advice you have will be greatly appreciated. I have had some successful commissions and Ebay sales already, and I also have a commission to paint Studio McVey's Y'sidra which I'm really looking forward to.<br /><br />If you guys could help me out with the whole Ebay thing here, I'd really appreciate it, I don't want to step on any toes (not until I've been here a while, anyway!) <br /><br />I have started using the Forgeworld weathering powders, so if you have any tips and tricks I'm all ears <br /><br /> Oh yeah, I really am a girl, too, not just a 40 year old man in his mother's basement living a rich fantasy life. Two 'X' chromosomes and everything </span></p>