Website provider help thingy.


New member
I know a lot of you have your own websites, and my gaming club is looking to upgrade from the crappy geocities page that we have. We want something that is cheap but will give us enough bandwidth to actually have pictures and maybe room for painting advice, gaming tactics, and just general bitching about the quality of GW led events. So any help will be greatly appreciated. :flip::bouncy:


New member
Thanks for the advise, anyone else have any ideas? We want as much choice as possible, and now I\'m just a little curious what everyone has to say about their provider:flip::bouncy:


New member

How big is it going to be?
I am assuming not too large because you are already hosting it on geo.

I have decided to post something here, then I can just point to it...
Important Steps....
Domain Names
I recomend... they are cheap and have a great user interface.
also they are cheap too, and can handle stuff like .ca and .dk etc.

I don\'t like or if you have anything there, you should move it IMO.

Unless you become wildly popular, you will never do more than 5 gigs a month in bandwidth.

However I think for a community that runs on photos, you should try to get as large a space as possible. (100 megs to 1 gig)

I recommend making sure you get a provider that can handle php, mysql, and has an auto-installer of forums galleries and stuff.
my picks.... (best customer service, best value) (best customer service) (Best Value) (well, they are the biggest after all this is the place to go when you realize you can\'t be in a shared environment anymore.)

I have or have had sites at all of these, and I am happy with them all.

If you want to learn more about web server crap the best starting place is...

My suggestion is to get everyone to agree to pay some monthly portion, get it all up front via pay pal or something, then pay it in an annual lump sum right from the start. Next year, see who is willing to pay again, and repeat. Start the money organization 2 months in advance, as it takes a while to get organized. Either that or have one member who really wants it pay it.

Last, if you are looking for something small, personal message me.
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