We still don't know the timing of Tactics Zones after the last FAQ


New member
Are they a "When a zone is claimed" trigger? Can you resolve them before an opponent's field control? Are all of the active player's effects resolved first, then their opponent's, as the rulebook implies, or is it alternating, as some of Shinnal's posts on the forum imply?

Something this basic needs an answer so we can play the damn game.


New member
I personally feel the game works best if you understand them as not a triggered effect but just a normal process of play which is subordinate to any special triggered effect. (in the same way attacking after a charge is subordinate to any special rules that trigger from charging, even though you could argue the charge creates or otherwise causes the attack)

I've long since accepted this isn't how most people play it, but I think treating it this way doesn't break anything, ensures a few things work correctly, and is consistent with the way you otherwise resolve a special rule triggering before you proceed with normal things.


New member
I personally feel the game works best if you understand them as not a triggered effect but just a normal process of play which is subordinate to any special triggered effect. (in the same way attacking after a charge is subordinate to any special rules that trigger from charging, even though you could argue the charge creates or otherwise causes the attack)

Do you mean subsequent, not subordinate?

I've long since accepted this isn't how most people play it, but I think treating it this way doesn't break anything, ensures a few things work correctly, and is consistent with the way you otherwise resolve a special rule triggering before you proceed with normal things.

It would solve a lot of things, true, but we'd still be left with the question of what order we resolve "when this zone is claimed" effects, as Shinnall has said in some forum posts that it alternates, starting with active player, but most people play it as "all of active player's effects go first, then their opponents'"
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