Ghrask Dragh
<p><font color="#ffffff" size="2">Well my first post is a WIP shot of Games Workshops Vlad Von Carstein...</font></p><p><img title="Vlad wip" height="480" alt="Vlad wip" src="" width="640" border="0" /></p><p><font size="2"><font color="#ffffff"> ...I'm not sure where to go with the colours of the cloak so any ideas and advice would be very welcome indeed. I'm thinking to go for a very fleshy colour, as apposed to the paler bluey colours you see on Vampires now days, to tie in with the red armour and general 'theme' of the miniature. I might go for the standard hand raising out of the ground infront him? haven't thought much about the base yet though.</font></font></p>