This is a character from PP fluff, the old king of Cygnar, deposed and exiled in a coup. I thought the art was so good i\'d have a go at sculpting him.
It\'s my first proper attempt at 30mm sculpting, i have done a few 54mm successfully already, i think i like the small scale even though i started with 54mm because it was bigger.
There is still a bit more to do on him but you get the idea. The rest of the work ice icing really.
You can see the whole process on the PP forums here.
I\'ll be submitting him for votes when fully sculpted and then again when painted but that\'ll be a while off otherwise i\'d combine the two.
It\'s my first proper attempt at 30mm sculpting, i have done a few 54mm successfully already, i think i like the small scale even though i started with 54mm because it was bigger.
There is still a bit more to do on him but you get the idea. The rest of the work ice icing really.
You can see the whole process on the PP forums here.
I\'ll be submitting him for votes when fully sculpted and then again when painted but that\'ll be a while off otherwise i\'d combine the two.