New member
Just a general inquiry about gloss varnish and how well it should protect. I've always wanted to find a gloss that can make my mini's more or less impervious to scratches/drops (as far as paint job damage.) I'm currently using liquitex high gloss (with a matte coat on after) and while it does a good job, I can usually take take my fingernail to a mini after it has cured (months later etc) and scratch down to the primer. Metal for example always seems exceedingly easy to scratch off on edges. Hard plastic seems the most robust after varnish, but I can varnish 2 minis at the same time and in the same way and one will seem very durable while the other will scratch right off. That inconsistency is probably one of the bigger issues in my mind as well as I seem to be doing the same thing to two figures and getting different results. I think the root of my expectations are from some space marines I painted something like 10 years ago as test pieces, used the games workshop sealer on them at the time and today my fingernail just doesn't touch them. While what I've tried for the last few years seem to do a good job protecting my mini's in general it still isn't as good as those test marines.
In the case of the marines, is it more that the varnish has just had years to cure? Will the mini's I've varnished a year ago have even better protection a year from now?
I haven't really had an issue with my current stuff as I am careful and the varnish seems to protect enough that them occasionally hitting each other or getting the odd rough handling doesn't really do any damage, but I'm always looking for a way to get to the point where I don't have to worry about them at all.
In the case of the marines, is it more that the varnish has just had years to cure? Will the mini's I've varnished a year ago have even better protection a year from now?
I haven't really had an issue with my current stuff as I am careful and the varnish seems to protect enough that them occasionally hitting each other or getting the odd rough handling doesn't really do any damage, but I'm always looking for a way to get to the point where I don't have to worry about them at all.