Vallejo Model Air Metallics colour matching help?!


New member
Howdy y'all.

Gonna go ahead and try out some of the Vallejo Model air metallics that have all of a sudden grown in popularity! Friend of mine said the one he tried was wonderful stuff.

Anyway I'm looking to get 3 silvers and I need matches for:

- Boltgun Metal
- Chainmail
- Mythril Silver

If anyone can help out that would be great! The vallejo site doesn't have any colour match references on their website for these paints ya see.


Super Moderator
- Boltgun Metal = There isn't really a match. There is a darker metallic called simply Black
- Chainmail = Steel
- Mythril Silver = Silver
I'd also like to recommend that you invest in a bottle of VMC Black Glaze as this makes a great addition to the Airbrush metallics.
It's a very dark grey against the metallics but does flow nicely, you have to thin it like normal paint but it can add additional depth to the detail in metallics.
I also would recommend a bottle of Metallic Medium to use as an extreme highlight. Used sparingly this can look almost like white metallic highlights.
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