Perhaps I need to be clearer... I meant this year (2003) events. I already have US issues 273, 274 and 275... Maybe the problem is that many of you only ever read the UK or the US edition, but not both. The point is, the US (and Canada!) Golden Demons usually get bad to no coverage in the UK edition, but they get a pretty decent one in the US edition (logically). So, I was asking for the issues with 2003 LA, Baltimore, Chicago and wherever else I\'m missing GD\'s... If they\'ve already been released, of course.
Incidentally, I also usually prefer the online coverage, and even better if it\'s not the official GW one, but I happen to like a copy in paper so I can peruse it at my own leisure whenever I feel like it (that\'s why I\'ve ordered the CMON annual, BTW!
). And I hated 2002 GD UK coverage: the separated booklet idea is quite a good one, but the effort is pretty lame when you manage NOT to show several of the winners because they were not available for good pics! I\'d rather have an average, on-the-spot pic of a Demon winner piece than nothing at all!