Your paint seems a little blotchy though - are you wanting to end up with him seeming dirty and battle-worn? In which case it probably won\'t matter too much.
try not to do to many ink washes because whenever i do really thin watered down highlights the inks seem to show through and you will sit there and be adding 100 layers trying to dull it out.....
your wash is good enough already just try cleaning up the armour plates closer to your inks in the corner
i agree with dan adding green to the studs might make it look a little bit like a christmas tree ornament....
id say do the metallic just the same as whatever your coloring the chainmail,
it will definitly bring the piece together and make it look simple but effective
thanks for the advice - will keep the studs metallic
have washed and added some highlights - have started to try and sort the leg armour out but not finished it yet: