I take my hat off to Jambot13 for having a thick skin.
I get so tired of people putting stuff up and asking for opinions then whining because people suggested changes and didn\'t just oooh and aww.
Toast to Jambot13 for knowing how to take criticizm in the spirit it was intended.
Okay, so thanks for the multiple shots. I take back what I said about the blood, and while I\'m not keen on the blue, it was excellently executed, particularly on the back of the hand scales.
However, now that I\'ve seen it from other angles I have more critiques.
I think the \"blade\" thing would be sharp on the other side. Basically it looks like it\'s slashing the soldeir with the blunt backend of its claw. That\'s just from thinking how animal claws work. This being an alien I suppose it could go any way.
The only other thing is the soldier. I don\'t know how much freedom you had, but I think he\'d look a lot better if one of his feet was off the ground, kind of flailing out.
Lastly, the bottoms of the hoovs are just flat. I can\'t see the front to tell if they are split, but if they are not then you ought to carve a frog into the bottom. (honestly, frog is what it\'s called on a horse. I always carve them into exposed horse hooves)