Tips for photographing White/Bone figures

count zero99uk

New member
Just that really, ive some table top ready minis id like to photograph but whenever I do it turns out like this.

Now there not the best painted in the world but im happy with them as there the first ive painted in a long time :) So id like to put them up on my wip :)

Anyway, tips please.

Ive a Hitachi HDC-1496E if that helps. (just a little digital camera)


Almost Perftec! Aw, crap.
No flash, softer/ less direct light will help a lot. Try using a white piece of paper to reflect the light to the minis rather than pointing it right at them. Tripod, and self timer too so you can play with shutter speed. :)


Super Moderator
Try a backdrop of a neutral colour, something like a softer version of Ultramarine Blue or a soft grey which doesn't have a huge contrast leap between it and the figure, that way the sensor system in the camera won't have a "Hissy Fit" and bleach out the Whites.

Most cameras aren't designed for our type of close up needs so the sensors are aimed at an "Average" scenario. It's only when you go up to good level DSLR's (and the associated price bracket!) that spot metering and exposure become the norm. That leaves most modellers and painters having to do "work arounds".
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