If you can, learn to steady your arms against your chest for general painting. Resting them on a table will work, but if you paint that way a lot you risk potential stress injuries from the pressure of the table against your elbow and that sort of thing. Also if you brace against yourself then it\'s less bothersome if pets or people nudge the table. ;->
For particularly fine work (eyes, freehand) place both elbows on the table and cup your off-hand around your painting hand. Also don\'t hold your breath. Rather, paint the stroke as you exhale. This is the same way sharpshooters shoot and when your body is steadiest.
Where possible, worry about only one side of the stroke at a time. What I mean is, when I\'m doing eyes, I paint the whites and then the dot for the pupil. If the dot isn\'t clean, I clean up around the edges. Then I paint the eyelid rims, but I only worry about where the lines are in relation to the whites. If the rest of the line is all over and the mini looks like a raccoon, that\'s okay, because then I come in and paint the skin just up to the line around the eyes and clean it up. Or on stripes as
on this present, I paint one side worrying about the outside edge, then flip and paint the other side and the middle of the line takes care of itself.
I\'ve heard working on black/darklining (the dark line that defines the separation between a sleeve and an arm) is an excellent, if boring and annoying, way to practice brush control. Just painting in general and thinking about your strokes will help. I\'m still working on brush control, I\'ve relied a lot on adjusting paint consistency rather than practicing using different pressure on the brush to achieve different effects, which I\'m noticing that other painters do more.
Lastly, don\'t overlook the brush in all this. You didn\'t mention what you\'re using, but if you\'re using a synthetic with a frayed or bent tip it\'s going to be a lot harder to achieve precise results than if you\'re using a good sable brush with a fine tip. Search for \'sable\' or \'brush\' on this forum area and you should find plenty of threads with advice for brushes to try.