thin layer help


New member
I have been having a devil of a time trying to use thinned VMC paints. I used to use GW paints and can get really good blends with them, and do alright with VMC but when I really try to apply thin layers, I can sometimes see the layer under what I\'m painting break apart under my brush. I give it plenty of time to dry, somtimes as much as 5 or even 10 min, and I know that you should be able to apply the paint before that so I don\'t know what I\'m doing wront. The paint is also well shaken too.

The thinness ration is probably 3 or 4 parts water to one part paint, and I wick off the excess before applying it to the miniature. I\'d like to only use water to thin, but I can solve a bit of problem with using a matte medium or glaze medium in my mix, but I would really like to use only water.

I\'ve tried searching the forums but can\'t seem to find the right keywords to come up with a solution.



Coffin Dodger / Keymaster
If you are breaking the previus layer, your brush is too stiff (using sable?) or you are not waiting long enough for the paint to cure.

Latex paints have a certain area where the moisture seems to have evaporated, but the latex has not formed up it\'s long chains. In short, it is very tender.

Work in another area of the mini and switch between the two.
Work on another mini - if you are doing grunts, work on four or five at a whack.

Secondly, VMC has about the least amout of binder of any of the common paints out there. A bit of airbrush media or similar may help you add binder to your mix while still reducing the pigment. Try 1 part paint, 1 part airbrush media or glaze media and 2-4 parts water to start.


New member
I use only series 7 WN brushes so I wouldn\'t think they are too stiff. And I have given the paint a while to dry, I\'ve let it go over night to see if it would do the same thing.

Like I said I can solve the problem with adding a matt medium but I want to keep the paint build up to a minimum. I can be a bit anal about it.

I guess I will have to stick to using a little thicker paint, which is also what i\'ve been doing. I can get results I\'m okay with but I\'ve basically had to reinvent my style over the past year or so.

Cheers and thanks for the response,



New member
I had this happen for the first time on my latest mini (total testosterone entry) I was using multiple glazes to achieve some effects and the glaze was too delicate to hold up to the next layer. Got around it by thinning my paint with magic wash (50/50 future floor wax and distilled water). It has acrylic in it and added just enough strenght to allow really thin pigments but still hold up tot he next layer.


Coffin Dodger / Keymaster
Sounds like it is pretty much a lack of binder then.

Instead of reinventing your style, why not simply add a bit of medium to your mix. Put one part glaze medium, airbrush medium or Future Floor Finish to one to 3 parts water (your milage may vary depending on humidity, temperature and temperment)

Another solution would be to use a paint that has a bit more binder in it.
GW, VGC are both about the same
RMC has a lot of binder and a lot of pigment as well.

All worth a shot to see if you get the results you like.
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