Tentacle Grab


New member
My friend just got his WoK KS stuff in and I picked up his Hadross. Great looking stuff, really dig the pacing and setting of the game.

Question on tentacle grab for the Orsund Cavalier. When does the movement take place? Is it after assigning the dice, but before you actually roll the dice, or is it after damage results?


New member
I looked it over a few times and I don't think it matters either way. Unless there is something that you are thinking would change gameplay if before or after. If so I would also like to know that as for better strategies.



New member
I looked it over a few times and I don't think it matters either way. Unless there is something that you are thinking would change gameplay if before or after. If so I would also like to know that as for better strategies.


When playing against Shael Han it would make a difference. Things like the Diamond Hard Wall...

I saw the video after I posted yesterday. I think it would still be great to have an official answer to the question. The rules are pretty tightly written overall, this is just a small hole I've noticed.


New member
After you chose targets, but before you roll. So, someone using Diamond Wall Stance would get Guard (+1).
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New member
If its after you choose targets and before you roll, then by pulling a model out of range for Diamond Wall Stance would result in it not gaining the defensive guard. Enlightenment says to check after results are generated. Diamond Wall Stance also says that if this model is in base contact with a friendly model...so if it gets pulled out of position before results are generated it shouldnt be gaining the defensive guard.

If Tentacle Grab moves things after results are generated, then they would get the use of Diamond Wall Stance and Enlightenment for the damage results before getting moved.

It's an interesting rule interaction that wildly changes depending on the timing.


New member
Another possible timing issue would be for abilities like Teknes's Addanaii Brood Warrior's Lash Out which targets an active enemy within a 2" range. If the Lashout is triggered before the model is moved vs. after.

Personally I would say that the attack happens before the model is moved, since presumably the damage would be decided when the tentacle first strikes and wraps the victim. Conversely I would say that, unless stated otherwise, reactions happen after both damage and movement are completed. I.e. The Legionnare would benefit from the diamond wall stance (if he is initially in range), then whether he was damaged or not he would move towards the Cavalier. At the same time the Addanaii would be damaged and dragged forward first (since it's all part of one attack) and then attempt to Lashout if the Cavalier dragged him within 2" of itself.

CMON Michael Shinall

The pull happens when attack dice are assigned, which is a step in the attack process, not after results are generated, such as other effects (like Counter-Attack).

This means that yes, it will FUBAR up a Diamond Wall Stance.


New member
Sorry, I wasn't thinking of gaining DW from another model, I was thinking of a model which generated the effect itself. My bad.
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