Taking pictures of your model


New member
i have one picture on the site and as you can see the quality is not that good. i took 10 pictures of my model and selected the 2 best before posting it on the site. My camera has some difficulty of zooming in on the model.
Anyone has some advice, besides buying a new camera?



New member
If your camera doesn\'t have a good macro function, then I think you\'re in trouble.

You could try using a scanner (if you have one) like I did with my last two Confrontation models.

And also: do not underestimate the power of Photoshop lol


Or if you\'re one of those Belgians that roam around these forums and Antwerp we could meet up some time at the Celtic Cross store; I could bring along my camera (which still has about 50 pictures on it taken in the store itself; they\'re all pictures of the storekeeper\'s minis in his nicely made scenery...)

As a \'working person\' I can only visit the store on Saturdays...



New member
a camera might not be enough

Don\'t forget additional lightning! Two bright spots are a must!


New member
Macro mode

See if your camera has something called a macro mode. Pictures of miniatures should be taken in this mode, and not using normal focus. Cameras can\'t normally focus in a distance less than a foot or so, so they use the macro mode for close in shots.
--Katie G.


New member
Also, if you do have a macro setting on your camera, don\'t use zoom as it lowers the picture quality. Just use the macro\'s minimum focus distance.


New member

Does your camera have a timer or a delay function. It doesn\'t make a huge difference, but I found that putting a camera on a tripod and using the delay shot function (mine waits 5 seconds), you get just a little better picture. Its not something that makes a huge improvement, but you can tell if you get some extreme close-up shots.

Have fun,
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