Taking photos of your mini: Where to start?


New member
I'm fairly new to miniatures and even more of a new-comer with photographing them. When looking and voting on minis I notice everyone seems to have some type of area set up specifically for the photos. As a newcomer, I have no clue where to start. How do you set up an area for such a thing? Where do you acquire the backgrounds? What needs to be known about lighting?

If anyone has a guide or some info and is willing to share I would greatly appreciate it.



Almost Perftec! Aw, crap.
No prob. Welcome to hell. And you thought painting the little F**kers was hard... Took me almost as long to get good at pics as it did painting :)


New member
You actually can still use a camera phone. What is important is to get lighting defused enough. Get a light box. a Cardboard box, cut out two of the sides. tape or glue tissue paper to those holes. Use two table lamps pointed at the box. This will be enough light to get your capture. Get in close with your camera. A tripod would help but not necessary. Photo. Mild adjustments in camera
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