Sub-zero spraying


New member
I can only spray my models outside and this time of year in South Korea is pretty cold. It\'s dry enough so I don\'t think humidity is problem. However it\'s -10/-5C during the day. Does anyone know if this is going to affect the result too much? I was thinking of keeping the can at a normal temp but I dont know if the spray will freeze in the air and ruin the model.


Super Moderator
Basic answer is yes.
The propellant is easily affected by temperature, hence why if a can is \"Acting up\" a solution of placing it in hot/warm water usually helps.
Extreme cold will drop the propellants density (don\'t know the scientific name for it) and make the paint less liable to mix and therefore become \"Lumpy\" as you spray it.


New member
Originally posted by Gnome
I can only spray my models outside and this time of year in South Korea is pretty cold. It\'s dry enough so I don\'t think humidity is problem. However it\'s -10/-5C during the day. Does anyone know if this is going to affect the result too much?
If the can/paint is at those sort of temps, definitely - hence the specific temperature ranges for use mentioned on some spraycans.

Originally posted by Gnome
I was thinking of keeping the can at a normal temp but I dont know if the spray will freeze in the air and ruin the model.
It might, yes. The particles are very small, there\'s a good chance some of them could freeze on the way to the surface.

I\'d suggest trying a test to see how it goes but it would be best to help the process along anyways. So my advice, if you absolutely have to spray outside at the moment, would be to warm the can in hand-hot water before spraying and warm the mini as well, with a hairdryer, just before you step outside to spray. Re-warm both can and mini if you need to spray a couple of coats.



New member
I always found drying the minis with a hairdryer on medium heat stopped the dreaded \"orange peel\" effect.


Shogun of Saskatchewan
If the can goes from room temp to spray I have never had a problem. Down to about -20, -25.

I use armory spray. I\'ve never tried using a sealer in the cold though.


New member
get the mini and spray can up to room temp as scott mentioned then get outside and spray quickly then get it back inside and in a warm room.

you can fully prime a mini in about 5 seconds with a spray can which means it will be okay to spray outside in sub zero conditions.


Originally posted by generulpoleaxe
get the mini and spray can up to room temp as scott mentioned then get outside and spray quickly then get it back inside and in a warm room.

you can fully prime a mini in about 5 seconds with a spray can which means it will be okay to spray outside in sub zero conditions.

what GP said
I undercoated Celia last night, granted it wasn\'t -10, but it was pretty cold, I only took about ten seconds, then got her straight back inside. Just to make sure I popped her in my putty oven (large can with a 40w bulb in it) for about 20 mins(\'cause I forgot)


New member
Thanks fellas great advice all round.
I shall put some thought into warming devices and maybe some kind of warm box. Also I will put some thought into borrowing the hairdryer. Could be tricksy :)
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