Space Wolf Terminator


New member
Soo, this is one of my first posts here. It\'s been a while since I painted much, but have just started again.

I\'m really looking for some constructive critique and such at the moment. This model is going to hopefully blow away all my other stuff and lead onto a 54mm marine conversion.

I don\'t have a photo of it before I started. But it\'s a pretty basic conversion.

I started, as usual with the face.
GW Tallarn Flesh, with a wash of slightly watered down Ogryn Flesh, a couple of thin washes of Devlan mud for shading.
Highlighted with Tallarn Flesh/Bleached Bone and progressively more Bleached Bone until almost pure Bone. Finished off with a wash of Asurmen Blue mixed with some watered down Red Gore. (On the highlights I also used lots of Vallejo Glaze Medium.)


Next I applied a basecoat of Fenris Grey, mixed 3/4 with Bleached Bone and added some Glaze Medium to thin it out.

This was highlighted with about a dozen thick \'washes\' or glazes of a very thin mix of Fenris Grey 2/2 with Bleached Bone (lots of Glaze Medium added until almost a thick wash.


It\'s not all highlighted yet due to the dying light outside. I will do some more and take some photos in my light tent tomorrow if i can find it.

Any tips/comments/etc would be awesome :)


New member
Awesome, I\'ll wait until all the other parts are nearly finished so I have other colours to balance it with. But you\'re right, a bit more purple in the skin would be good - especially as I am going with a snowbase.

Anyhoo, here\'s today\'s work.


Hair was Adeptus battlegrey, fortress grey, white, then a heavy wash of Devlan Mud.
Armour was highlighted with lots of thin glazes of Fenris Grey and Bleached Bone. About 50/50.

The whole thing was then washed with a couple of thin washes of devlan mud, more applied in some areas, less in others.


I\'m having difficulty with the bone. I\'m thinking of using some thin glazes/washes to smooth out the transitions, but I\'m not conviced it will work. Does anyone have any ideas?


I agree with Honourguard, the armour could use more contrast.
Also I\'d tidy up the top of the body, it looks rather streaky.

Other than that is looks good so far.

green stuff

New member
To elaborate a bit more on the red/purple wash/glaze on the skin, here\'s an example where I think it works well :


New member
Ooh, yes that\'s nice. It\'s a much stronger purple than I expected but it works nicely to cool down the face.

Did some work today, a bit of freehand (that needs highlights) on the knee. Also, after this photo was taken I spent the day touching up the armour, evening up tones, adding a little more highlights, tidying up mistakes and a little celtic design on the left grieve. they will be shown tomorrow.


Photo seems to have blued the armour quite a bit, but it is the tone from the previous photo. Truely could not be arsed to play around in lightroom to sort the colours (again).


New member
Today was spent tidying up freehand, doing metallics and starting the armour chips.



Obviously the chips need edging. The ones on the yellow need to be lighter too. Then I just need to redo the tube things between his shoulders/arms, the details, tidyup and finish the base off :)

Any thoughts would be much appreciated!:D


New member
I like the free hand I am always gutted when I try free hand as it never turns out as I want.
I think your 54mm figure could be a good on to follow will you be doing a WIP?
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