Some of my new mini\'s


New member
Voting is harsh

I wouldn\'t hope too much on the scores to rise, I\'m afraid. The miniatures are all probably a lot better than the photographs show, but the photos look really crappy. They are all out of focus and the colours seem a bit washed out. Most people won\'t bother looking closer at the photos and will just vote based on what they see at first glance. Thus, the first thing you should try to improve is your photography. There\'s plenty of good articles in the article section about photography and you can get good looking photos without too much hassle and a quite simple camera. Use a tripod or some support for the camera to help getting sharper pictures and use good lighting. A neutral backdrop is good to use, and also some sort of diffusion between the lamps and the object (the mini) to soften and spread the light.

When you have better pics, you will get better scores and better advice on the actual painting. It is difficult to give good advice based on blurry pictures.

Hope this is helpful to you! :)


New member
They all look very good, but i think the photos may be putting people off a little, since they\'re a bit blurry, if you can improve by gettin clerer pictures your scores will go up by at least a point i should think.


New member
looks like ritual posted just before me, and pretty much covered everything i said anyway, but yes some very good tips there ritual\'

I hope you manage to improve the pictures.


New member

Ditto to all the above.

Holy cow, what are you using for a light source? That\'s a really well-defined shadow. :D


Super Moderator
The minis are very solid, but as the others say, the pics aren\'t helping your cause.

I like Haldir the best of the three.

Your flesh tone seem very \'spot on\'!


Super Moderator
Got to echo the comments posted by everyone else.

The photo\'s are what let you mini\'s down. Without knowing what your photo set up is. I\'m suspecting that you\'ve actually got the camera too close and that the focal point is drifting away and behind the mini.
Thanks for all the comments i really must try and improve my pictures i\'ve a whole summer now to practice. I\'m in college so i only get a few minutes every few weeks or so when i\'m home to get pictures!But im finished saturday so i\'ll keep trying till i get them right.


New member
Yes, sweet job on that bow and the armor lines. Haldir would improve with some brighter coloring though, like the reds could be brought out more.

Denethor\'s robe looks great, but the highlights on the face are a bit abrupt, giving him an almost canine appearance.
I\'ve actually brightened up his clock since i took that photo it was a little dark compared to the rest of the mini.

On Denethor his face does look a little rough in the photo but i was trying to convey the darkness that he was going through in the film when he did look very bestial at some points.

Thanks a lot for all the comments they were really helpful:)
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