Some help with flesh tones?


New member
My first unit of marines is taking forever to do, not least because i have gone back to parts already finished and redone them in a new way. I am already worried that i may have to redo their armour entirely, but i guess not only should that be another thread, i should remember i am not aiming for the stars with these models.

Anyway, back on topic, i\'m redoing the sergeant\'s head, since currently it is a rather pink colour, and since he\'s bald i just can\'t help being reminded of plastic baby dolls. Not quite the effect a space marine should give, i feel. And in any case, i\'ve begun some scouts as well, and they are also inconsiderate enough to have bare heads.

I\'m looking for a tone far more similar to THIS*.
I\'m hoping that something like it can be achieved with three colours or less (not paints, just colours overall).

Any help would be appreciated, and i hope you\'ll put up with the fact that the results take a long time to be made visible.

*Image from the Mini Vault, from marines painted by Thomas Schadle, full page showing modular marines HERE.


New member
I hope this helps:
What I would do is paint the ENTIRE head with a very dark fleshtone, then I would paint almost the entire head - leaving only the deepest areas (eyes, any deep wrinkles, that sort of thing)- with the color I actually want for the flesh and then highlight the highest points with a slightly lighter color. I know that sounds simplistic, but it\'s kind of hard to explain. I\'ll see if I can get an example painted up tonight.


New member
That\'s about how i did it last time. My problem was really in choosing the colours, since i do not yet have the ability to mix up colours i want.
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