So who is in charge?


New member
Ok so I sent an email off to try to get replacements for missing parts in the game I bought the other day and after sending an email off the I got told I have to contact soda pop miniatures, yet I heard that soda pop when they get emailed just tell you to contact cool mini or not, I have sent an email to soda pop anyway but I was wondering if anyone just make it clear as to what is going on


New member
I'm pretty sure Soda Pop is handling everything Super Dungeon Explore at this point. I hope your issue gets resolved.


New member
Ok that explains it they had "differences" (I like to imagine there was a lot of yelling and throwing things and possibly a couple of deaths on each side, but I my views of how the business world works might be slightly off) the email in that article is different to the one I was given from CMoN but I have emailed both and we shall see if I get any response.
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