So I finally got over my GW-phobia!


New member
So a little background:

I buy minis for roleplaying. I would say 90%+ of my collection (6-700 range) is from Reaper. I have stayed away from Games Workshop minis because the odd time I looked at them, my jaw dropped at the prices. The last time I perused a store that sold GW product was about three years ago.

So I was getting together a Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay game for a convention, and needed some good mutant/demon minis. I swung by our local GW shop, and was able to find some Nurgle demons for a decent price (I think the pack of five came to somewhere around $5 a piece). Even looking at a lot of the plastic army kits, they fell in under $1 a mini, which if I need the volume, would be a great buy.

So my question to everyone out there (if it didn\'t start out that way, yes, I do have one!) is this - Was this just me, or has the recent (and fairly drastic) price increases of Reaper minis \'leveled\' the playing field, or did I just have an unreasonable preconception of GW to begin with? It seemed there was a time that I looked at GW metal going for 2/$12 while you could grab your standard Reaper mini for $3-4 a pop.

(sorry if I have excluded other brands that might be worth mentioning... this is all I have to work with at the local stores)


Super Moderator
Well I\'m going to disagree with reverend.
I like Reaper minis, not all, but there are a lot more than 1% that I find appealing.

In regard to the original question I still think that Reaper have the edge on GW for prices.

Infidel Castro

New member
No fear DR, it\'s all in the eye of the beholder. I just never liked them. My opinion only carries weight if people care for it, so that\'s not much weight at all lol


Super Moderator
Originally posted by reverend
No fear DR, it\'s all in the eye of the beholder. I just never liked them. My opinion only carries weight if people care for it, so that\'s not much weight at all lol

Speaking of Reaper and the Eye of the Beholder:


99% seems an awfully large number, but pictures are worth 1000 words...

(i have quite a few Reapers I\'m very happy with)


New member
well i hate to say it but i agree with rev. not as much as 99, maybe 97% that i don\'t like

having said that i haven\'t bought any gw stuff for a while and can\'t be bothered with any of my gd entries

i prefer stuff like hasslefree for the character that they have. not to mention the quality service and goof vfm imo. but i buy to paint, not to play


New member
Yeah lets turn this into a I don\'t like reaper thread!

I don\'t know, never bought reaper figures (I don\'t typically like them :D) so have never checked out their prices.


Super Moderator
Originally posted by DrEvilmonki
I don\'t know, never bought reaper figures (I don\'t typically like them :D)
That was my basic opinion until I got to look at this one Up Close and Personal.

Now yes I can honestly say that my preference is for the Warlord range as they have the more \"modern\" sculpts.
Whereas the older more D&D influenced figures are starting to show their age in comparison. Especially with the highly dated \'Broccolli\' bases.
Don\'t get me wrong though I have quite a few older Reaper (and Ral Partha) figures

However please consider something like this:

Costing $19.99 (£12.26) is a better price than GW for a 54mm figure averaging £18($29).
But I\'m talking from a painters perspective here, not a gamer.

james sequeira

New member
For me there is 1 miniature out of every 100 releases that I find actually half decent, they have some decent sculptors if you look at the work they have done for other companies, but their work for reaper looks like they get paid in peanuts.


Shogun of Saskatchewan
It\'s never been about prices for me. When I was a hard core warhammer-er I bought GW \'cause it\'s what I needed, and I felt the price was fair for what I got.

Now as I paint more then I game the cost of a mini vs. the hours of enjoyment spent on it are not going to be drastically altered by a few bucks difference in price.

TBH I am also in the non fan of reaper mini\'s, and not a big fan of Werner Klocke\'s majority of work. Not saying is unskilled at all, just not what I look for in a mini.

Refreshing to have a post around here not accusing GW of ruining lives! Way to go!


New member
Originally posted by Spacemunkie
What\'s worse than a Reaper miniature? A Reaper miniature sculpted by \'Clone-Face\' Klocke!!


And their priming and photography are not helping. Seriously, some mini which look quite good in their \"green\" section look horrible after they prime and shoot it. And there are those huge mold line :eek: I actually do own some Reapers (mostly Tre Manor\'s) which look quite decent in the fresh.

And on the OP\'s question, since price isn\'t really the main concern for me, if the figure look good, I will buy it.


New member
My problem with reaper is that they have so many minis and there are endless categories and pages of minis to look through that it takes too long to fin a mini that I am really interested in.

I think that GW prices are comparable to other companies. Personally I thought that when rackham produced their metal minis they were more expensive than GW. Some, not all. But precious metals have been going up in price as of late.

Amazon warrior

New member
Reaper have their place, I guess. I think I\'m more tolerant of their sculpts than most, though! I quite like some of their monsters, but a lot of their humanoids are stiff and blocky, probably as a result of Reaper trying to cast minis with as few separate pieces as possible. It does mean you can pretty much unwrap them, slap them on the table and get gaming though (if you don\'t mind bare metal), which I believe is the idea behind all the one-piece, broccoli-based minis. But you have to admit, however dreadful you think they are, the WOTC PPPs are worse! lol


New member
you have to bear in mind that some of the rackham stuff was massive. they didnt seem much in the photos until you held them.

i have to say love most of werner\'s stuff, i just hate the heads!

the second of those two aint bad. don\'t mind the first too much either but not a fan of the cloak
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