Slaanesh Lord on steed img 252217


New member
I got lower than I thought I would. I thinned the paint and worked really hard on this one, so what suggestions would you have? Did the base bring down the rating (this was my first attempt at water effects)? Is the photo quality bringing down the rating in your opinions?


Super Moderator
OK in response to your questions I'll answer the easy one first..... Yes, your photo quality isn't helping.

As to the rest well here goes and please accept that I mean these as Constructive Criticisms:-

While you have thinned your paint down to work towards a smoother appearance unfortunatley you've fallen into the trap of letting the paint go blotchy which with a red colour over a black base does show, especially on the helmet.
In regard to the metallic paints these look thick in relation to the flat colours and without a strong separation (sometimes called Black or Darklining). I'd suggest that for the moment you work on doing the metallic colours first, (drybrushing isn't a crime by the way:bashful:) and then work the darker main colour carefully around the metals.
For most of the colours I see in the photos there doesn't seem to be a clear or pronounced highlight so the red does look somewhat flat and one dimensional. Adding a lighter colour to your main colour will give you a highlight which imitates the reflectivity of real life. For Red rather than add White, which will make it go pink, try Dwarf Flesh added in small amounts as this will lighten the colour without making it look weak.
Additionally the Shadows need as much care and attention. There's a current thread
in which several people are discussing this issue.

Well these are just thing to think on for the moment, but please continue to use the forums for help and suggestions.


Shogun of Saskatchewan
Dragonsreach has some quality suggestions. I would also personally add that I think the Matt Sterbentz article on using GW washes for getting better results on metalics would be an excellent place to grab some ideas. Practice and more practice with thin paint, not too much on the brush, and light strokes for smooth blends.

And yeah, the pictures are tough to make out. If your camera has a digital macro feature on it I'd use it. Tha will help for sure.


New member
Ok - well it was actually over a white base.. the blotchiness was an effort to make it look somewhat dirty and worn. I'll look at the metallics and get a new picture in.
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