Sicarius WIP WIP!


New member
Hello all, i\'ve had this fellow sitting about half painted for a while, i decided to clean him off and start again.

This was my first attempt at glazing, not sure if ive got it right yet, i think the problem was getting totally even coats with every layer, i think i know what im doing wrong.

Anyways i want to paint his cloak next, red, but i really didnt know what sort of recipe to use. Im using gw paints, i was thinking starting with dark flesk or bestial brown, and going straight to blood red from that?

Im also clueless as to whether i should try layer from the darkest colour, or wet blend, or glaze like ive tried to do on the armour. Could anybody suggest a suitable method for the cloak?? Thanks in advance, i really appreciate it!




New member
Do it what ever way you feel you\'re best at. There\'s no \'good or bad\' way.

Looking well blended so far. The right boot sole could use a bit of shading where it meets the foot though. Keep it up.

cleen X

New member
Looks pretty smooth! Might I suggest pushing the highlights a little further? Maybe just the edges a little more on the highest points.

For the cloak: You can build the highlights up from the darkest color, easy and the fastest way I believe. If you use many colors to build it up and a glaze/juice (I don\'t know what it is really, what I mean is a heavily watered down coat of the base color you use) to make the layers come together.


New member
The left hand on the first picture looks very good - smooth and with good contrast (althought for my taste a little more black and white to the mix could do it even better). I hope You\'ll work the front the same way - it looks too little shaded now. As for the cloak I use to start with the middle color (for example scab red on mine sicarius) becouse when starting from dark I used to end up with little of the main color I wanted - but It\'s me. From what I see glazing seems to work for You but as DarkWind said, use the method that suits You.


New member
Thanks all for your replies,

@darkwind i do intend to sort out the foot!

@cleenx, thanks for the advice, if i can be bothered (you know how it is) i might pick out the highlights some more, i was thinking this myself.

@apz i took a look at your sicarius and i love it! The armour is lovely, ive had a cloak on a black templar turn out very similar to yours but im hoping to try and get a much richer, red carpet type of red if you know what i mean? I think ill start with the mid tone and shade and highlight appropriately, but more layering than glazing.

Thanks everyone your input is greatly appreciated
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