Selling Q? Painted or not?


New member
Just wondering, do people look more for converted minis that are already painted to collect? or unpainted to paint?


Super Moderator
Originally posted by revmatt
Just wondering, do people look more for converted minis that are already painted to collect? or unpainted to paint?
Personally \"unpainted to paint \"when buying.

For Selling I\'d suggest that well painted would sell better than converted as a Conversion might not suite what a potential buyer may require.


New member
I\'ve never bought a painted mini. And to be honest the only painted mini I\'d probably ever buy would be from a particular artist I greatly admire...and more as a research piece than as a collectible.

I\'m all about the hobby.


New member
For me, I buy both. If it\'s good and painted I\'ll buy it or if it\'s good and I can get it painted, I will buy it.

Mattrock - playing devils advocate here but do you strip the minis after you\'ve painted them or do you put them somewhere you can look at them?

I submit to you that looking at minis might be as much part of the hobby as gaming and as such, it doesn\'t matter whose mini you look at ;)

I personally am a mini painting competition... I ask painters to paint for me and then I judge them... I suck though because the prize for the winner is pretty much the same as the one for dead last and I don\'t give the minis back. :drunk: lol


New member
I have only ever bought unpainted models, i doubt i will buy something that someone else has painted as i prefer to practice my painting skills.

I may only be tempted if i could get my hands on something painted by a painter i aspire too, but they usually cost too much;)

But never bought a painted mini


New member
Sooooooo. say I have a bunch of dreadnought conversions on the sculpt, just for fun, and will have to get rid of them due to space (wife) constraints.... best off to try and sell unpainted?


Consummate Brushlicker
Unless you\'re a really good painter, then good conversions will probably sell better unpainted. Some of the big sellers can paint good conversions to a mediocre standard and still sell them for pretty big bucks, but IMO people buy the artist\'s name more than the figure a lot of the time on eBay.

I say keep them bare, maybe use a thin coat of primer if you\'re feeling saucy.
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