Hello guys,
I\'m looking to sell a few hundred unpainted minis from my own collection. This would include everything from Reaper to Ral Partha, Old Grenadiers, etc. I don\'t want to break this up into a bunch of small allotments for Ebay, much less deal with the whole system for ebay. So, if anyone is interested in making one large additionto their collection, please let me know. I\'ll be happy to send pics, and we can haggle, etc.
I\'m looking to sell a few hundred unpainted minis from my own collection. This would include everything from Reaper to Ral Partha, Old Grenadiers, etc. I don\'t want to break this up into a bunch of small allotments for Ebay, much less deal with the whole system for ebay. So, if anyone is interested in making one large additionto their collection, please let me know. I\'ll be happy to send pics, and we can haggle, etc.